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E-mail Address

Location to which an electronic mail message can be delivered. E-mail addresses cannot be longer than 64 characters. A 2- or 3-character extension after the period is required. For example,

Escrow Payment

Payment to a loan's escrow account for taxes, property insurance, and other bills.

Estimated Payoff

The estimated amount needed to pay your loan in full including fees, accrued interest, and other amounts which may have accrued from your last payment through the close of the current business day.

Estimated Payoff As Of

The date through which the estimated payoff amount is effective.

Estimated Payoff Good Through

The date through which the estimated payoff amount is effective.

External Transfer

A movement of funds between an account at our financial institution and an account at another financial institution.

External Transfer Account

Account held at another financial institution that you have set up with us to use for transfers or loan payments.