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Edit a Credit Card Payment

The Edit Credit Card Payment page is used to change a scheduled payment for credit cards we've issued.

You can access the Edit Credit Card Payment page by clicking Scheduled Credit Card Payments and then clicking Edit next to the payment that you want to change.
  1. From your navigation links, click Scheduled Credit Card Payments.

    Result: The Scheduled Credit Card Payments page is displayed.

  2. Click Edit next to the payment that you want to change.

    Result: The Edit Credit Card Payment page is displayed.

  3. Make your changes.
  4. Click Save Changes.

    Result: The Edit Credit Card Payment Preview page is displayed.

  5. Review the payment details. If correct, click Save Changes.

    Result: The payment is submitted and the Edit Credit Card Payment Confirmation page is displayed.

  6. Note the Confirmation ID for your records.

The credit card payment is scheduled to be paid on the date indicated.