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Reply to an Online Banking Message

The Reply to Message page is used to respond to a message we sent you.

You can access the Reply to Message page by clicking Reply on the Message Detail page.
  1. Click Customer Service menu.

    Result: The Customer Service Index page is displayed.

  2. Click the View Messages link.

    Result: The View Messages page is displayed.

  3. Click the subject line of the message to which you want to reply.

    Result: The Message Detail page is displayed.

  4. Read the message.
  5. Click Reply.
    Note: To send us a new message, click Contact Us from the Customer Service Index page.

    Result: The Reply to Message page is displayed.

  6. If the message is about a specific account, select the account.
  7. To attach a file to a message:
    1. Click the File Upload icon.

      Result: The Choose File to Upload dialog box is displayed.

    2. Navigate to the file to be attached and click Open.

      Result: The file is attached to the message.

  8. Enter the message.
  9. Click Send Message.

    Result: Your reply is sent and the View Messages page is displayed.