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Manage Contact Information

The Manage Contact Information page is used to add, change, or delete the contact information. We use this information to send account notifications to you electronically.

You can access the Manage Contact Information page by clicking the Manage Contact Information link on the Customer Service Index page.
  1. Click Customer Service menu.

    Result: The Customer Service Index page is displayed.

  2. Click Manage Contact Information.

    Result: The Manage Contact Information page is displayed.

  3. If you have not yet added a primary e-mail address, you must add an e-mail address and click Submit
  4. To add contact information, click Add, enter the contact information, and click Submit.
  5. To change contact information, click Change, make your changes, and click Save Changes or Submit.
  6. To delete contact information not currently being used to send alerts, click Delete.
    Note: You cannot delete your primary e-mail address.

    Result: If the contact information is not being used for alerts, it is deleted. If it is being used, you will be asked to unassign it from all alerts before it can be deleted.

When the primary e-mail address is changed, we send an alert to the old e-mail address and new one confirming this change.