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FAQs on Credit Card Payments

What payments are listed on the Scheduled Credit Card Payments page?

Listed on this page are scheduled payments from active accounts to credit cards that we've issued. All single payments are listed. For recurring payments, the next scheduled payment is listed.

How do I view credit card payments that have already been paid?

By viewing the Account Activity page for the credit card. To access this page, simply click the Accounts menu and the Account Activity menu item.

Why is DATE PENDING listed in the Pay On column on the Scheduled Credit Card Payments page?

DATE PENDING is listed in the Pay On column for payments paid on the statement due date. It may be listed until your next statement is run. It does not affect the processing of the payment.

What are recurring credit card payments?

Recurring credit card payments are payments that you want to repeat at regular intervals.

What do I do if I get a message that the credit card payment request is unable to be processed?

Try to submit the payment request later. If you still get this message, please contact us.

What if I need to change the payment?

Go to the Scheduled Credit Card Payments page. If the credit card payment is listed on this page, it can be changed. Just click Edit for the payment that you want to change.

How do I know if a scheduled credit card payment has been processed?

You can add an alert to automatically notify you when a credit card payment has processed or if a scheduled credit card payment fails to be processed. You can access the Add Alerts page by clicking the Add Alerts link on the Customer Service Index page.

How do I make other credit card payments?

For credit cards issued by other financial institutions, payments are made the same way that you pay your other bills.

Can I change a single credit card payment to a recurring credit card payment?

No, but you could delete the single payment and then set up a recurring payment.

Can I view deleted credit card payments?

No. Only scheduled payments and payments that have been processed can be viewed online.

Can I delete only the next payment?

No, but you can edit the recurring payment and change the Pay On date to start after the payment that you want to skip.

Can I use online bill payment for business accounts?

Yes. However, certain restrictions may apply to functions that are available to business customers. If you are a business customer and are attempting to enroll in bill payment without success, please contact Customer Support for further assistance.

Can I change the account from which bills are paid?

Yes. You can change the account from which bills are paid at any time.