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FAQs on Account Information

Can I change the order in which transactions are listed on the Account Activity page?

Yes. Just click a column heading to sort transactions by different information or to change the order in which transactions are listed.

Why are my uncleared ATM and debit card transactions not displayed on the Account Activity page?

During nightly and weekend processing, uncleared ATM and debit card transactions are not displayed on this page. Once processed, the cleared transactions are displayed.

Can I change which transactions are displayed on the Account Activity page?

Yes. Click Search Your Transaction History to specify a different date range or search for a specific transaction type, check number, amount, or description. To view transactions currently being processed, click Show Scheduled Transactions.

What is the difference between the current balance and the available balance?

Your current balance is the balance in your account including today's online transactions. Your available balance is the amount of funds in the account that are available for withdrawal or transfer. It is the current balance minus any funds being held in reserve until deposits and withdrawals clear. To view balance details for your account, access the Accounts Overview page and click the Available Balance link for your account. The details are displayed on the Balance Details page.

You may have transactions that have been scheduled online for a later date. To view scheduled transactions for your account, access the Account Activity page, select an account, and then click the Show Scheduled Transactions link to see a forward looking balance. You may also have initiated transactions that we have not yet received such as checks. These may take a few days to post and will reduce your balance as well.

How do I view transaction history for an account?

To view transaction history, you can either click the Account Activity link or click the account description on the Accounts Overview page.

How do I change which accounts are listed on the Accounts Overview page?

From the Accounts Overview page, click Customize Your Accounts. The Customize Your Accounts page is displayed. From there, you can identify which accounts you want to view online.

What is a completed transaction?

A completed transaction is a transaction which has cleared or that we have finished processing.

Can I open a new business account online?

No. If you want to open a new business account, please contact us for assistance.

When does a change to an account's ATM/debit card overdraft setting take effect?

Immediately after it is successfully submitted online.

How often can I change an account's ATM/debit card overdraft setting?

Whenever needed.

What is the estimated payoff?

The estimated payoff is the estimated amount needed to pay off the loan. It is based on the loan's current balance at the close of business on the last business day, plus interest at the current interest rate and any regularly scheduled or known charges that will be due between the last business day and the estimated payoff good through date. The estimate does not include amounts that have not yet been posted to the account, or transactions that have occurred since our cutoff time on the previous business day.

Where can I find loan payment and balance information?

On the Account Information page for the loan. To access this page, go to the Accounts Overview page and click the loan description link. If the Account Activity page is displayed, click the Account Information link.